The Capability Curriculum
The Capabilities Curriculum lies at the heart of all we do. It is designed to measure social and emotional capabilities which improve children’s learning, valuing the development of the whole child and preparing them for the future.
An Daras Trust have chosen to adopt a curriculum framework informed by pupil’s social and emotional well-being. The class capability scores are used to inform a teachers approach to the lesson, which will help growth in these valuable characteristics.
These capabilities are evidenced as being necessary for future success, and by measuring them we are placing real value on them.
There are 7 capability strands:
Managing feelings
Relationships and Leadership
Planning and Problem-Solving
Resilience and Determination
A class vote is held 3 times a year – Autumn, Spring and Summer mid terms. This allows pupils to determine the capability they feel they need to work on for that term - the teacher then provides resources in their lessons to support the development of the capability - pupils review at the end of term to see how they have improved.