Remote Learning Offer
Recent Remote Learning in class 1
Remote learning offer in the event of an enforced school closure
The Coronavirus pandemic has made the need for schools to be instantly ready to switch education to a format where children's learning can be moved remotely into in a smooth transition to ensure the continuation of their education. We will have our remote learning offer in place within 24 hours of a closure.
As a result of this, below is the outlined offer that children can expect and what will be provided and how this will be done:
The Principles
Our online learning offer for ALL children will consist of a 'blended' approach that combines ALL elements of the following:
- A daily live Maths and Literacy session (ranging form 20 minutes for the youngest per session to 45 minutes for the oldest) - live content using Google meet where your child will be interacting with their class teacher and peers. An invite will be sent to you by your child's class teacher to ensure that only children form the class can access it. Separate guidance on this has already been sent home.
- Follow up work will be available on the website on the page relevant to your child's class - this work will be a follow up activity that will both embed and extend the learning that takes place during the live session.
- Topic learning - this will take place through website links, activities and sessions signposted by your class teacher via the class pages on the website. This will again range in length from 1 activity for 20 minutes for the youngest through to 2x 45 minutes activities for the oldest.
- There is an expectation that ALL children will read for at least 15 minutes a day for the youngest, through to 30 minutes a day for the oldest. From Year 3 upwards, there will be daily guided reading tasks provided by the teacher.
- ALL children will receive an invite to a weekly class assembly and a whole school assembly via a link through Google Meet.
- The government has provided us with some laptops and the opportunity to help you get additional 4G connectivity - please get in touch with the school if this would help.
- Please never be afraid to contact the school or your child's class teacher if you are finding any aspect of home learning difficult or need support with any aspect of it.
- Even though the children are at home in during an enforced absence, we still have a duty of care to check on their welfare throughout this time. Please note we will be doing a weekly check up call or email to see how things are going - please be aware we are here to support you too!